One of the first things Matt revealed about himself is that he is a Fraiser fan. At first, I didn't think much about it. Ok, Fraiser, I can live with that. But I didn't realize that he was serious. He has seen every episode of Fraiser multiple times and can pretty much quote the lines along with the actors. I didn't know this before the wedding. But I found out almost instantly after the vows. At our cabin in Utah, we could watch Fraiser when we woke up and when we went to bed. And we did. Every day. Now that we've gotten back, we continue the tradition of watching Fraiser before we go to sleep.
In other news, Phillip and I played badminton with Mom and James today. I had a hard reminder of why I hated badminton class but this was loads of fun. We didn't keep score but we got a kick out of pretending to know what we were doing. Phillip and I found a soccer ball and decided to start playing soccer. It'd be fun to get some friends together and play every once in a while.
So tonight, I hung out with Phillip, as Matt is working late, and we watched old NCIS episodes and made fun of 42 (his dog). The poor thing has sonar radar receivers for ears and constantly looks depressed. But Phillip loves him, so who am I to judge? All in all, it was a good day. Rating: two and a half thumbs up.
42 looks down-trodded for the camera!