Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Whistle Blower

Well, I have to say I am both happy and sad to see 2009 go. The past year started off with me engaged and in college and ended with a new job and married. All in all, a productive year (to make a gross understatement). For those of you who do NOT know, I am now a teacher. That's right, parents, beware - I am now in charge of your student's mental health. muahaha. Now, thanks to lovely certification and my new job, I have met several different teachers, and I can now spill the secrets that teachers hold dear. First - teachers have a life outside school. This is hard to believe, even for some teachers. But yes, some of us, do have hobbies and interests outside of the classroom or our chosen subjects. Second, highschools are the best place to observe role reversal. Now, to be clear, this happens at every highschool, but does not mean everyone in the highschool has this problem. There are far too many children trying to be adults and too many adults acting like children. Third, (Parents - hold your objections) teachers are genuinely there to help the kids. Or, at least 85% of us are. The majority of teachers at public schools really care what happens to the students. Fourth, teachers like to have fun. Most of the kids still do not believe this one. But its true.

After becoming a teacher, the majority of people you know are suddenly all under the age of 18, and calling you "Mr." or "Mrs. So-and-so". It's enough for an identity crisis. Until March of this past year, I was just Christy. Occassionally, "Ms. Thomas". Now, thanks to Hardin ISD, I am not only "Mrs. Jones" I also have to constantly clarify which Jones or Christy I am.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my new job. I work in a great department and love teaching the kiddies about history. So, here's to the new year! It cannot even hope to bring as much as 2009.