Back in November, Matt and I decided our family just wasn't big enough and while looking through some online ads, we found Tango, a black and tan mini dachshund. Tango was a few days over a month old when we got him and for the first few days, he was the ideal little puppy. He loved to be held and petted....He reminded us of this at 3am this morning when he began howling for no reason. Tango has been endowed with the bark of a dog 10xs larger than himself. It's literally louder than our smoke alarm. (We know from experience) So, with our decision to move in the near future, we are wondering how he will fare in an apartment setting. Our hope is that we'll find a house, but if not...will Tango become an issue with neighbors who, like us, just yearn for a little peace and quiet? Matt assures me that Tango is not being aggressive, he just likes to practice his bark. A lot. At 7 in the morning. 10 at night. Tango likes to talk...He is encouraged by Matt, who will literally go sit on the porch with him and Sasha to howl. He thinks it is the cutest thing ever. I told him to start thinking of a way to explain THAT to a land lord. Hopefully, by this time next month, I will have more info on when and where we're moving. Check in for an update.