Matt and I rented 2012 today. Not exactly a movie that gets you thinking about the end of the world in my opinion, but to each his own. I have actually heard several people say this movie made them consider how the world will end....
Anyways, I have decided that while planning helps in things like your education and saving money, you can't really plan for life. You can try and try but in the end, sometimes things just don't swing your way. I know, it sounds like I'm going cynical again, but just hold on and stay with me. My fellow man seems to think that if you plan and organize your life, then life will return the favor and always throw you softballs. But the truth is, there is always a change up. Sometimes this is for the best, and you pull off one of the greatests "at-bats" the world has ever seen. Other times, you strike out and have to start over. My mom's a big planner. She mapped out my entire first 18 years of life. Then I had to step up to the plate. Still there. I've managed to fight off being out with a few fouls and balls, but still haven't made that big hit yet.
Ok, that's all my baseball lingo. If I had the time I'd go read Ender's Game again. But I don't, so I'll just wrap up school work and think about how much I should be exercising.
Love your baseball lingo! Great writing!