Monday, April 2, 2012

Doing it Myself

Ever since Christmas I have been absolutely addicted to DIY blogs and websites. I'm serious. If I'm not on Facebook, I'm looking up paint colors, light fixtures and trying to picture how those curtains would look in my bedroom. I know at this point I'm annoying Matt with my constant "I could totally do that..." Let me explain a few things before I go on. We live in a trailer. (manufactured home...whatever) so some of the things I would like to do are limited by shifting walls, a general lack of space and the fear that too much will literally cause the house to collapse. However, lately I have convinced myself that I can make whatever I want to do work in the area I have. I mean, people live comfortably in apartments half this size. I want us to enjoy our home and feel comfortable inviting people over. So my project this year is to make this place MINE. It's really time. We've been here 3 years now. Time to start fixing it up. So I have a few goals I'm setting for myself here.

1. Landscaping- I'm envious of my brother's patio. It looks like you've stepped into the secret garden. I want my yard to look like that. I want someone to walk up and be impressed with my greenery. Lol.

2. Paint- a budget friendly way to brighten and lighten lol

3. Find small space friendly storage options....

4. Declutter- we are one step away from a Hoarders Intervention.

5. Keep it clean - I am the worlds worst chore-doer lol

There's my goals. And here's a picture of my recent project which falls under #1: the front porch. It's not complete yet but it's getting there.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Patience...Probably Not My Virtue

I don't usually write personal blogs. Sure, I write about what's going on in my life and usually try to make a joke of it. But sometimes, it's good to put aside the joking and be serious for a change, and that's what I feel like doing now. Patience is not something I have mastered. Ever. Oh, I've tried. And usually I can wait things out a while... then I end up jumping the gun and starting a big mess. Most of you know my husband is looking for a job. Talk about trying someone's patience...this can do it. Taking care of a baby...also trying. Don't get me wrong. I love being with Oliver. But by the end of the day, all I want is a few hours of quiet. Especially after a long day of dealing with highschoolers. And when Oliver doesn't want to sleep...I need patience. I have a hard time taking a step back and waiting for the best answer. The American in me wants things my way. Now. And really, I get tired of my own voice in my head complaining about how unfair it is that I don't have a bigger car. That my husband doesn't have a job. That Oliver won't go to bed on a routine like the internet claims most babies do. This lack of patience usually makes me want to skip over the "little stuff" and just get on to the big parts of life (you know - buying a house, winning the lottery, etc). I know, I'm a horrible person for saying it. But I know too that whether they admit it or not, there are a LOT of people out there that secretely feel this way. It's not the right way to feel. We would all like to say we enjoy every small moment of life. But in reality, most of us wait for the next big event to happen. We've learn to measure our lives by accomplishment and the in-between times are the hardest to wait out. But it's those "small moments" that end up meaning the most. My best memories aren't getting married (I was terrified of having to be the center of attention) or giving birth to Oliver (I was unconscious most of the time). It's the card Matt gave me on my first birthday we were together, the way Oliver points at things and I swear he says "this" even though it sounds more like "chis". There are a lot of things I want in life and I know that in reality, some of them won't happen. Like I will probably never move to Boston. But if I could master life would be pretty awesome. My goal for myself is to wait upon the Lord. (Yes, I know! I mentioned God! Be alarmed and then get over...God really is a big part of my life). This will require a lot of nail-biting and sitting on my hands but I know that everything works perfectly according to His will...not mine. In fact, things I plan rarely work out the way they were supposed to. You'd think we would have had this conversation long ago. And now, I will put this to practice and not get frustrated that Oliver is grabbing at the mouse as I try to type and NOT SLEEPING!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spring Break Thoughts

I love having time off. However, sometimes time off means I get bored. I like to stay busy. Not in the way my mom does. Her idea of busy is: let's build a new part to the house, let's clean, let's do the clothes. I wish I had this idea of busy. My idea of busy is more like - how can I be entertained? I blame Disney and big toy corporations, of course, like everyone of my generation. So far this Spring Break, I have rearranged my living room (I'm still not convinced Matt actually likes it), gone to Galveston for a few days, mowed my lawn, and tended to my garden and I sit...blogging because I'm bored. I have clothes to do, and my house could always use a good cleaning session, but they all require more time than I'm willing to commit at the minute. I'm a thinker. Which means, sadly, I always have a plan, and rarely do my plans come to life. For example - I would LOVE to remodel this house. If I'm stuck here for the next few years, I feel like it should be the way I want it. But lack of funds is keeping it the same old house it's been for the last four years. All I need is about $5,000 and a babysitter for a week. I promise. lol. Oh well. The rest of my Spring Break is actually dedicated to de-cluttering and cleaning. Matt and I collect a lot of junk. I like to tell myself we're not to the hoarding phase but we really do have a LOT of stuff we never use. We just never consolidated after we got married and moved in with each other. That's what this week's goal is - GET RID OF THE JUNK! Oh, and try to do as much prep for Oliver's birthday party as possible (make decorations). Which is less than a month away!!!! Crazy.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Diet Drama

Today is DAY 10 of my diet! And I'm proud to say that except for yesterday, I've done fairly well. I lost two pounds last week. My goal is to lose 30 lbs by May 25th. And there's no better way to do that then to tell everyone, because as some of you know - my biggest fear is failure. So I'm making my own motivation. DON'T LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT!!! At the same time I'm trying to LOSE weight, Matt is trying to GAIN weight. So we're both counting calories just in the opposite direction. :) This leads for some issues on the temptation table. Matt keeps buying high-calorie goodness and leaving it everywhere! Which is probably what led to me binge eating some pizza yesterday. I'm using the myfitnesspal app to track my diet and it's really an awesome tool for those of you looking to lose weight. So far, I've really only kept to the food side of things. I'm hoping to pick up the exercise. I'm just trying to find the right exercise for me. I am absolutely AWFUL at running. After running/walking half a mile, I sound like a dying cow. I'm so serious. It's pathetic. I know I could eventually get better. But that's a long time. Hopefully I find my thing soon so I can start shedding these pounds! So, if you want to join my weight loss challenge, let me know so we can work out together!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

How time flies...

Hey, guess what? I'm back! As you can see from the side bar, I've had this blog for a while, but recently decided to commit to writing more? Why? Well, simply put...peer pressure. All my friends are blogging now, and I don't want to be left out. It's hard to believe its 2012. Of course, I should probably start accepting it and start living life considering that in December, the Mayans that left with Elvis on Martian ships will return to destroy our planet and only spare the Libertarian Party...did I get that right? 2012. And nothing is as I expected it to be. I'm still here, living across the drive way from mom, but I like to think both Matt and I are beginning to see some of the pluses of having family this close.

Matt has completed the academy and is now ready to protect and serve in a community near you.(I know, I have no shame...but seriously, spread the word.

I just recently returned from a trip to NYC. We take a group of students there every other year and this trip really made me think about how much my life has changed. For one thing, by the end of the first year, mandy Key and I were ready to have a throw down at the football field. This trip, I am proud to say that we not only got along, we actually enjoyed our least, she hasn't told me otherwise. We had some crazy experiences on this trip. Some funny. Some not so funny. There was little to no sleep, and i'll leave it to your imaginations rather than explain what it's like having 50 kids follow you through one of the biggest cities on the planet.

Legally, I can't go into experiences we had with the students, but suffice it to say, it was never boring. The story I want to tell you is of our Broadway experience. Now, I like to think of myself as a cultured person. I absolutely LOVE musicals, and I'm open to seeing anything on Broadway once. So we let the kids vote on what to see. Their choices were "Wicked", "Mary Poppins", and "The Lin King". I won't lie, I was pushing Mary Poppins. But the kids wanted to see the Lion King and I was ok with that. Until we saw it. Now, I am willing to concede a bit. I only had three hours of sleep thenight before, so I was already kind of out of it. But when we got to the second half when men came out in nude leotards and were playing the part of grass, it was a little much for me. I lost it and laughed like a 13 year old. If you have not seen the Lion King, I would never discourage you from seeing it. The costumes (with the exception of the Kentucky Blue playboys) were superb. If you loved the movie, then you will definitely enjoy the musical. Just, get some sleep the night before and remember you're an adult.

I realize I rambled a bit in this one. I promise to be more...literate in the blogs to come. Oliver is adjusting to a new sleeping arrangement and that means Mama goes without sleep! So, I'll leave you with the promise to return soon (and with more sleep).