Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Writing Challenge Day 2: "In the Shade" Original Date: October 28, 2014

Again, you can join me in my writing challenge, using the prompts here.  Constructive criticism and feedback welcome!

There were, he decided, a great number of people missing out on one of life's greatest pleasures.  The gentle breeze ruffled his hair, and in the distance, he could hear a dog barking.  Nearby, children screeched and giggled, his own among them, as they chased each other through the trees.  Situated comfortably on a large quilt, he watched as a young boy and his mother guided a vibrant red kite through the sky.  Yes, he pitied the poor souls trapped in their offices and cyber worlds.  Birds chirped and squirrels chattered.  Overhead, a leafy, green canopy sheltered him from the brilliance of the sun.  No clouds littered the sky on this most glorious of days.  The dog at his feet sighed and moved into a more comfortable position.  All around him lay the magic of nature.  As the dark haired girl ran up to him, a smile lighting up her face, he knew beyond a doubt there was no better way to spend a day than in the park, in the shade.

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