So, inspired by April's blog on regency romances, I decided to share some books I've been reading. (mainly to save april from herself). So here goes:
1. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen - I'm a huge Austen fan. I'm re-reading this one because I haven't read it all the way through since highschool. This book is great not only because of the great sappy ending, but because Austen does something no one else had done before: introspective character. Her characters think. And the reader knows what they're thinking. Austen was awesome. End of story.
2. The Unlikely Disciple by Kevin Roose - A look at evangelical Christianity by a non-evangelical. There's no great conversion at the end, but it's an interesting look at this brand of Christianity. It really paints the picture of Christians who are just people with shortcomings and failures. I like that. Christians aren't perfect, though many Christians and non-Christians think they are or should be.
3. My Hands Came Away Red by Lisa McKay - About a group of teenagers on a mission trip who end up being attacked by local people. Again, faces the issue of Christians with doubt or anger. Too many churches don't admit that Christians can have these feelings. It's not right but it happens. More people need to discuss it.
4. The Hunchback of Notre Dame by Victor Hugo - Just to see how accurate Disney's portrayal was, I picked up The Hunchback a few years ago, right after graduating from highschool. This book is amazing. Want a good story with a great twist at the end? Try this. And it's fairly easy to read as far as the classics go.
5. Sophie Scholl and the White Rose by Jud Newborn - my favorite history book. Well written and informative. I really love this book. The movie isn't bad either. For those of you looking to make the leap to non-fiction, I really suggest this book. It's how history should be written. It helps too, if you like history.
There you go. Five books I strongly recommend. Even if you don't like it, you will definitely learn a few things. They all make you think. Thinking is healthy. And have I mention how much I LOVE Journey?
ok, um what do you mean, save me from myself?? ....