Thursday, April 30, 2009

Why I currently hate my car

Above: Me standing beside my "car" (the little blue thing in the corner)
Let me explain my newest adventure. I was presented with my '03 PT Cruiser my sophomore year in highschool. I thought the Cruisers were sweet when they first came out. Since mom did too, my parents decided I could get my car early. I was totally psyched. This meant that I didn't have to drive mom's Crown Vic. To be fair, this car has taken me everywhere since then. To school, work, and other fun places. But now, my car has decided to play dead. It all started when occassionally my car wouldn't start. I'd have to turn the key once or twice before it starter. Keep in mind I'm completely motor-retarded. So my auto terms are limited. Then one night at work, it took 5 minutes for it to start. Alarmed, I talked to Matt and Dad and decided to bring it in. We assumed it was the starter. So, three weeks ago, we had the starter replaced. Should be no problems right? WRONG! The next week, it started "not-starting" again. So we take it in again. This time it's some pipe-thingy and the belt. Ok. Fine. I'm completely out of money but it should be okay now. It's not. Today, I start out for school. I lug my stuff out of the house and into the car. refuses to start. By now I'm pretty tired of my car. To make matters worse, I now have to drive mom's truck to school. Mom's truck is this giant red monster with brakes that don't like me and Palin stickers adorning the back of the cabin. To say the least, no college student wants to drive this thing. So, my car emergency crew (dad) makes some calls. Apparently we may have a problem with the fuel pump. We know this because the ONLY way my car will start is if I turn the ignition while my dad crawls under the car to whack my fuel tank with a 2x4. I kid you not. So, now, for the 3rd week in a row, I have to scrounge up money for my miserable excuse of a motor vehicle. Yipee. I cannot contain the excitement.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that sucks! At least you don't have to drive the crown vic. I wonder what happened to that car? Oh yeah..... Seriously, if you ever need a ride, just call Brad.
