Thursday, May 1, 2014

Mother's Day Tribute Part 6: My BFF

I have covered several of my inspirations that are older than me, here's the first mom that is my age.  My beautiful friend, Leslie.  I can't tell you how excited I was when Leslie told me she and Charlie were expecting.  And then, 2 months later, I found out I was pregnant too!  We have gone through every part of motherhood together, and it is awesome (and not planned).  I have been surrounded by little kids for as long as I can remember. Leslie, was not.  I can remember going to visit her and Ro for the first time and being bathed in germ-X.  Oh, and this little baby turned my BFF into a woman who would cry at the drop of a pin.  I kid you not.  Our pregnancies were super fun.  She was crying and I threw up.  :) But then, both the boys were here and they were oh, so epic.  It's been a blast watching my best friend take on the role of mom.  She totally rocks at it too.  I also have fun comparing our parenting styles.  It only goes to prove that there is no one right way to parent.  Leslie is patient, attentive and always on the look out for ways she can help her son be a better person.  She makes about 85% of his food from scratch!!! And makes me totally jealous when she can get him to eat a bowl of gumbo.  (Meanwhile, I'm celebrating ONE bite of a chicken nugget)  Most of the time, we sit around and wonder when we got old enough to have kids, and what the heck happened to the two teenagers that would stay up too late and get in trouble.  But a lot of the time, I just stand in awe of all that she accomplishes.  She is so talented.  Super mom, awesome cook, great wife, and best friend on the planet.  Did I mention she owns a great coffee shop/bakery??? (#brewedawakening #govisitnow)   I'm so thrilled that I can force my son to be Ro's friend and not have to worry about what he's doing or who he's with.   I look forward to seeing both of them grow up into the awesome young men they will be some day.  Love you, Leslie!  You're amazing.

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