Sunday, February 28, 2010

On a roll

This is my second post in one day. Either I need a life, or...well, I probably just need a life. I decided to write because, it turns out, I was right. Today was important. I still don't know if it was a good important or a bad important. Let's talk straight for a minute. This isn't an evangelical spill, it's just me putting my thoughts out into the world. I believe there is a God. Now, to be specific, I believe there is one God and His Son's name is Jesus. Now, I won't go any further except to say that I believe that God will speak to us in a still, small voice. That voice can change our whole lives. In less than a second. I've always wondered how missionaries just give everything up and go to an alien land to share God's love. Even as a Christian, I wonder, is it indoctrinization or is it faith? Why does the world have to be such a foggy shade of gray? Today I was faced with a choice. Either I can listen to what I believe is God's voice in my life, or I can ignore it and continue on with what's expected of me. I don't know if I'm strong enough for that leap of faith. I care what people think about me. I care what they say. As shallow and small as that sounds. Needless to say, I'm going to have to decide. And I'm afraid it'll be the wrong choice.

1 comment:

  1. I will be praying for you Christy. Praying that you will find the answers. Love you.
