Saturday, January 11, 2014

Times are Changing...again.

This weekend has me deep in thought.  It's time for another big decision for the Jones family.  Of course, no details shared here, but trust's life changing.  again. Did I mention (once upon a time) that I don't like change?  You see, the fear of the unknown often leaves me clinging to "the devil I know".  I've taken a lot of risks in the past 6 months, but I am still struggling with this fear of making the wrong decision. It can be exhaustive.  I'm so grateful for the wonderful people in my life who have help me in my times of need and have shown only mercy and generosity towards my family.  It's a humbling experience, but I'm glad I've gone through it.  If I had the chance to do it all over again, I would.  My kids are completely worth it.  And sometimes, I just have to remind myself over and over again.  I know that at the end of this period of my life I will be glad I learned these lessons and made these tough decisions.  Until then, bear with me, my friends.

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