Sunday, December 8, 2013

A Very Cheesy Christmas

Christmas means all my favorite seasonal shows are on TV. Frosty the Snowman is a new favorite in the Jones family (for Oliver...rediscovered for myself), as well as How the Grinch Stole Christmas, and I'm hoping to catch Rudolph before Christmas. But seasonal films also means that you will definitely get your fill of cheesy romance/miracle movies and heaven forbid....the Christmas Shoes!!! I cannot watch that movie. Ever. It listen to the song. Whoever wrote it should be forced to attend a Justin Bieber concert for the rest of their lives. Seriously. What a holiday downer.

Tonight, there are a ton of movies that start with Christmas. The Christmas Kiss, A Christmas Miracle, A Christmas just goes on and on. When really, some of the best holiday movies aren't even about the holidays. At least for me. Little Women, Harry Potter...and then there's the classic Christmas movies: It's a Wonderful Life, A Muppet Christmas Carol, Home Alone, A Christmas Story, Miracle on 34th Street.

So my message tonight is to remind you to take some time with family, snuggle up on the couch and catch your favorite movie, or Hunger Games. Hunger Games is always on the watch list. Happy Holidays!

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